For the last five years, Roberto has been dedicated to the exploration and development of lathe-based sculptures.
What started as an experimental process has developed into a whole body of work full of surprises and possibilities.
During his ninety-minute presentation, members will be introduced to the technique he has developed to create his work.
With the help of a customized jig that allows Roberto to secure a grinder or a router onto the lathe, he will demonstrate
how quick and easy it can be to create a piece in a short period of time.
During this presentation, Roberto will also explain different ways of mounting the blanks on the lathe, the pros and cons
of using either side-grain or end-grain wood, and the different results you can achieve by using open or closed-grain woods.
Despite this seemingly complicated process, it is actually quite simple, and anyone with basic woodturning skills should be
able to complete a piece.