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2022/10/13 Guild Meeting - Using the Airbrush in Woodturning with Joe Fleming

Bob Edmiston | Published on 9/9/2022
Using the Airbrush in Woodturning with Joe Fleming


   Thursday October 13th
Format and Time:

   On-line Virtual Meeting
   Zoom call opens at 6:15 for socializing

   Meeting begins at 6:45 PM

   Demonstration begins at 7 PM

jf -action
Why Airbrush? 

Many turners wonder why anyone would want to add surface enhancements to their wooden art pieces. This is a fair question.  In general, a woodturner will select wood for the effect it will provide in the final piece.  You may be looking for a particular grain type or orientation.  Perhaps the grain figure or wood color are important to your design.  If the turner is making utilitarian pieces, such as spoons, the wood is more about form for the function.

But, sometimes, color can be used to help tell a story, enhance a design or simply become the canvas for more features on the woodturners piece.  Whatever the reason, the woodturner generally wants to control the effect of the coloring to the maximum extent possible.  The airbrush is an excellent tool to use because the turner can control the intensity of the colors, the placement of the colors, and the penetration of the materials much more precisely than with a brush, sponge or rag.  Additionally, the choice of airbrush mediums available today offers the highest quality of materials for art pieces. 

JF -Burnt Sky
During this demonstration, Joe will begin to demystify the airbrush and its use.  Like so many things we do, using the airbrush is a process that involves using specific tools and techniques in order to reach the desired results.  Specifically, Joe will be discussing and demonstrating a number of topics that will help the woodturner get started in using the airbrush. These will include:
   What is needed for airbrushing
An Airbrush
        Airbrush quality paint, ink or dye
        A regulated air source
        Something to color
    Airbrush Definitions
    Coloring Overview
        Transparent Paint
     Color Theory
        The Color Wheel
        Tinting and Shading
        Color Schemes
        Color Blending

This demonstration will concentrate more on the use of the airbrush and the topics noted above.  It will not spend a great deal of time on airbrush selection, maintenance or how an airbrush operates.  To refresh your knowledge on these and other topics, please visit the "Documents Library/Airbrushing - Oct '22" where there are articles by Joe covering airbrush selection, troubleshooting, startup information, and coloring wood.  A link to these documents is found here.

About our Demonstrator:

Joe has been an amateur woodworker for over 45 years and an amateur woodturner for more than 20 years.  While mainly self-taught, Joe has studied with many noted wood artists including, Alan Batty, Christian Burchard, Jimmy Clewes, Don Derry, Michael Hosaluk and John Jordan to name a few. But, it all started with Joe's dad who instilled his passion for hand-made wood items. 

jf - joe fleming

Woodworking provides Joe with an outlet for his creativity.  He enjoys finding a piece of wood, envisioning what it can become, and then transforming it into a beautiful art or craft piece.  He makes both art pieces and functional pieces, but always strives for beauty.

Joe's woodturning consists of all types of turning disciplines including bowls, hollow forms, platters, vases, boxes and furniture components. He uses a variety of wood species in his work including local urban forested woods like eucalyptus, and other reclaimed wood.  Joe also uses wood from certified forestry projects in the Pacific Northwest, Mexico and Australia.

Joe's business "Airbrushing Wood" is a continuation of the color legacy of David Nittmann.  David was a master of form and color.  He used the airbrush to achieve many of his signature designs.  Before he passed, he asked me if I would be interested in carrying on the Airbrushing Wood business.  I was honored that he considered my work worthy of his endorsement. 

Joe's artistry using and knowledge of the airbrush has made him a much sought-after demonstrator.  He has been a demonstrator for the AAW and many local and national woodturning clubs.

To learn more about Joe and explore the many resources found on his website click here.

Zoom instructions will be forwarded with the meeting notice.