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Techniques In Hollowing and Hollow Forms for Everybody
withTrent Bosch

  • Thursday April 10th
  • IRD Broadcast via Zoom
  • Zoom call opens a 6:15 for socializing
  • Meeting begins at 6:45 PM
  • Demonstration begins at 7 PM

If you have an interest in hollowing or if you want a masters perspective on hollow form design and the techniques and equipment used for hollowing, please join us for the April Demonstration with Trent Bosch.

As many of you know, Trent hast been a leading edge in hollow forms for over 25 years now.  He has developed a solid methodology for turning hollow forms and a complete line of custom tools and systems for making turning a hollow form more fun by making it easier to use the turning tools, by presenting an easy to follow process of hollowing and by making it so form designs are repeatable.

Whether you are just getting started or have been hollowing for many years, Trent will share valuable techniques that he has learned over the years that will also help you enjoy hollow form turning more than ever.  Included in this demo, Trent will share things like:
  - Basic hollowing tools
  - Creating form
  - Steps to make hollowing an easier process
  - How to check for wall thickness with simple tools
  - Hollow form design
  - And much, much more.

As part of this demonstration, Trent has also supplied several reference handouts which can be found in our demonstration documents area.  Links to these documents can be found just below:

 Notes on Turning and Sculpting Wood     Visualization of Steps for Hollowing     Endgrain and Facegrain Turning Direction Reference 

Following this demonstration, there will be two full day independent workshops which you can learn more about here.

Read more here.

Upcoming Events
A Look Ahead

Monthly Show & Tell Session

  • April 17th, 2025
  • Zoom session opens about 6:30 PM
  • Meeting begins at 7:00 PM

03 - Mar 2025 - Show & Tell

April Show and Tell Session

Thanks to everyone who sat in on the March session, it was another great evening!

As we say time and again, we truly look forward to seeing what all our members are making and there is really no better way to do so than by joining in a Show & Tell session.

It is important to be reminded that the Show & Tell sessions are intended for all levels of woodturners and designed to be a safe and respectful place to solicit supportive input and advice, regardless of a woodturners experience level. It’s an opportunity for turners to engage in an informal and beneficial exchange of ideas and to foster further growth in woodturning. 

All WGNC members and their guests are welcome to spend an evening with fellow woodturners as we explore and share members' projects, ideas, issues and yes, even those shop disasters.

Keep in mind, you do not have to have a completed project to participate.  These sessions are designed for the exploration of ideas, techniques, problems, designs and any other subjects pertaining to your woodturning experience.  So, whether you have a completed piece, a practice piece or simply "idea boards", all are welcome for sharing and discussing with other members.  If you don't have anything mentioned above, join us anyway.  We always have a lot of fun, you can meet folks and like most of us, you just might learn something or be inspired to try something new.

To read the entire article and submission guidelines click here.

💥Wood Sale Success!💥


Perfect Day for a Wood Sale - Good Weather, Lots of Wood, Happy Customers and Cookies

On Saturday, March 22nd,  WGNC held the Spring 2025 Wood Sale.   It turned out to be a perfect spring day for the event and there was plenty of quality wood to choose from at very reasonable prices. Those who stopped by took advantage of the sale selection and pricing to add to or replenish their turning inventory.

Thanks to all the members who stopped by and special thanks to:
     - Eddie for the always fantastic cookies and other baked goodies that appear at so many of our meetings and events
     - Dick Raup and Ted Ross for hosting, organizing and doing all the heavy lifting required to make the wood sale a  success. 

 And in other news:

Welcome Members
Welcome New Members!


New Videos:
The March Demonstration video is now available. 
To view current and past videos click here


New Galleries:
The March Show and Tell Gallery photos are now available for viewing  03 - Mar 2025 - Show & Tell

02/22/25 Breakout Session - Lars' Catches Fire

Breakout: Let it burn!

The Saturday February 22nd breakout session was a sell out. This breakout, led by Lars Nyland, featured multiple ways a turner might add embellishments using "fire". Some of the hands on tools used were blow torches and burning units that use attached hand held pens to burn surface designs. While everyone had fun and were able to try their hand at burning, the best news of the day was our host, Ted Ross, still has an unscorched shop to work in!

Above is a slide show of some of the fun.

For additional reference material for this session see Burned Turnings

Breakout: Women in Turning


The WIT breakout sessions continued on Saturday, March 15th. This breakout, hosted by Ted Ross and featuring a wig stand project, had Eddie, Lydia, Tiffani and Ellen fully engaged for ther entire day. 
Nice work ladies! 

Breakout: Comments

Below are a few comments regarding the "Let it Burn!" breakout:

Lars Nyland:

Great day yesterday watching all of you burn your pieces! The transformations were amazing! 

I was shocked at the end of the day how much carbon had accumulated in the rinse water; I've never seen anything like it.

Here is a link to the slides I made. If you care to, you can take some time to look into each artist and the techniques they use.  

Stephan Moll:

Thank you very much for having hosted such a wonderful breakout session. Not only was Lars” presentation great and relevant, but opening your workshop for us, the setup outside, the cookies and donuts - it all made for an educational, worthwhile, well organized, fun and peaceful day. The great weather, of course, helped, too. 

David Chapin:

Today was a great day. Lars, it was wonderful to get the benefit of your experience, combined with a chance to experiment for ourselves. 

Thanks so much!!

Karl Koch:

Thank you for sharing with us today Lars! I have been thinking about all the new ideas that I was exposed to today. And thank you Ted for hosting us in your shop and yard!

It was a good day! Which is never something to be taken for granted.

Much appreciated,