It's that time of year again. A time when we reflect on the year, give thanks and show our appreciation to the people that enrich our lives. During this season, there's no better way to show your appreciation than a handmade gift. While the items may be small or made from scrap wood sitting in our shop, it's the thought, time, energy and effort that is more valuable than anything found on Amazon, so please, join us in our annaul WGNC Holiday Gift Exchange.
In addition, we will also be sharing members "Tips, Tricks and Jigs". That's right, bring your favorite T,T, & J to share with the group. We will have tables setup for display and you will have the opportunity to explain, one on one, to your fellow members how, why and when you use your T,T & J. Is your jig too big. or do you need a different way to explain your tip or trick? No problem, just send us a photo ahead of the meeting and we will display the photo to the people in the room. See the submission instructions below.
And, to make this last event of the year even more fun, WGNC will provide refreshments and snacks, plus, there be a give away of three $50 gift certificates for Klingspor. Prizes will be awarded for the most creative, the best executed and the jiggiest. So, get started now and get ready to bring your best Tip, Trick or Jig with you to the Craft Center.